Alienation is essentially a modern secular word equivalent to sin..

Sin being the mind-based presumption of separation from the all-pervasive Living Divine Being.

There is no real existence until sin is transcended. All actions and states of presumed knowledge and experience are empty, painful, problematic until the mind-based presumption of separation from The Living Divine Reality Being is utterly transcended.

There is no truly human life without conscious Divine-Communion, or the submission/surrender of the entire conscious and functional being to the Absolute Living Divine Being/Person, on which it depends completely, even for the next breath. Without such Divine Communion, there is no true humanity, no real responsibility, and no freedom. Without such Divine Communion the individual is simply a bewildered functional entity living an unconscious adventure of functional relations. There is no Sacred or Divine plane to his of her awareness.

All beings, both human and non-human require Divine Compassion, Love, and Blessing, the unbreakable thread of Communion with the Living Divine Being made certain and true and directly experienced

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Wow! Thank you.

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Exactly right. Great stuff

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